Progress at the Uganda School For Orphans
These days there is always something new and exciting to report on at the Family Care Uganda School. To give you a quick recap in case this is the first you’re hearing of the project, the FCU School in Gulu, Uganda currently houses and educates over 200 children, mostly war orphans from the many years of regional conflict. Robin Yamaguchi and team purchased a plot of land in February 2013 and have been hard at work since then building new class rooms, dorms, a kitchen, library and staff housing – not to mention the 10 acre farm designed to provide food and supplemental income for the school.
Over the past few months, thanks to donations from Activated Ministries and other donors, the FCU school has been able to hire much needed staff, including teachers, security guards, cooks and more. A local paint company recently donated all the paint needed to give the school a fresh coat of paint making the classrooms and dorms brighter and more conducive to learning for each dear pupil. The kids have come out of such unimaginable difficulty, it’s thrilling to see them so earnest about learning and doing so well.
The biggest news is that the FCU team finished building an Administration block with rooms for the infirmary, a staff room, head teachers office and a library. The completion of the Administration building has made a big difference in the organization and running of the school.
The maize (corn) crop is growing well, as are the cassava, beans and ochra crops. The children are thrilled to have vegetables supplemented in their diets and enjoy helping out on the farm after school.
Pictured below is Michael, one of the main school administrators, along with some of the main workers on the farm. Most of these women are mothers, most of whom are recent returnees from the rebel LRA and are very hard workers, grateful for a chance to raise money for their children.
On behalf of the Gulu team, we want to say a big thank you to each and every car donor who has made the decision to donate their car in order to help us further projects like this one. You play a big part in helping to change the everyday lives and the futures of these children and families.
If you would more information on other ways to assist us with this and other projects sponsored by Activated Ministries, such as contributing financially, give us call and we’ll help facilitate it.
*Note: All financial and vehicle donations made to Activated Ministries are tax deductible.